Sunday, December 2, 2012

Summery of Obama's Speech

Hello everybody!!

I was watching a video the other day on the internet and it was about Barack Obama and  I thought you might be interested because it was his first speech after the election.
Basically what he said was that he wants to thank all the electors but he also said that he will change some things in the USA.
For example the healthsystem, which he want to improve.

What surprised me most was the way he talked, because he talked very powerful and with lots of emotions. In contrast to Austria where the politician talk like they fall asleep immediately.

I also agree with what he said about the immigrants that they are also allowed to go to school.
I wasn't aware of the fact that America has so many debts.

Yours Alex ;-)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Barack Obama's Speech

Hello everybody, today I want to talk about Obamas speech.

He has some very good and helpful ideas, for example Obama wants to improve the health system, because every time you go to the doctor you have to pay. So if you are ill and poor you can’t go to a doctor. But that’s unfair, because there is a different between poor and rich and that shouldn’t!!.

He also wants to have a new school system for immigrant. Because if you are an immigrant now you are not allowed to go to school and learn english.
Obama said that all the people in the US are one big family so he really wants to help them.
He wants to reduce the debts, but this isn’t easy.

All in all I’m happy that Obama ist he old and new president oft he US, he gives every people a hope and a second chance if they need it.

Good bye.
Yours Alex ;)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My opinion to Becky's school

I think Becky's school sounds quite good.
They start school at 9 am., so they can sleep longer.

I also like the "Monday assemblies".
Double lessons aren't my cup of tea, so in this point I would enjoy Becky's timetable.
Becky doesn't have regular tests, they have end-of-year exams in Maths and English. 
Their grades depend on coursework, homework and project all over the year.

In my oponion, my school isn't as good as Becky's, but 50 minutes lessons are much better than 60 minutes lessons.
I don't like the end-of-year exam because if you fail there, you can't improve your mark.
In my school we have a lot of interesting subjects.

All in all I like my school and my timetable.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My hometown

My hometown

My hometown is Perg. It´s a big city in Upper Austria and only 30 km  to Linz.

 Over 8000 people live there .

Perg is a perfect city for stundents because there are a lot of schools for al ages.

A few years ago there was a cinema in Perg, but now it´s closed.

Perg has some very interesting places like the church, the „Seifensiederhaus“, the „Herrenstraße“ etc.

Perg has a police, a firebrigade and an ambulance.

The location of Perg is pretty good, because you can get everywhere on foot, or bus.

In Perg you can also go shopping, swimming, playing football and make a cycling tour.

In the centre of the town there are a lot of restaurants , like Riva, La Roma, Lettner, etc.

I like my hometwon because you can get everywhere easily and the people are always friendly and helpful.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My first post

My name is Alex, I´m 15 years old and I live in a house in Perg.
I live there with my mum, my dad and my younger brother.
My hobbies are playing football with friends.